Sacred Pathways
Find how you best connect with God.
a discussion starting point for April/May’s Virtual Coffee & Community
Download Sacred Pathway Breakdown here
Linked above is a section from a study I’ve personally been participating in, Rooted Deeply. This came straight from my workbook to share with you! This resource shares the idea of Sacred Pathways- the manners in which we may best connect to God and his spirit. You will see my scores, but I am hopeful the resource is still useful to you in finding more about how you can dig into your spiritual life. Can’t wait to talk about your results May 1st for our virtual coffee and community! If you haven’t RSVPed to Friday’s Zoom Chat, please email me at
The attached document comes from a spiritual formation study called Rooted Deeply. A reference page is included at the end of the PDF. All credit goes to author Chad Hollowell and editor Ron Krueger for the United World Mission. If this is a resource you would like to learn more about please email me at