A Time in Advent: December's Coffee and Community Event
I was nervous people would be too busy in December to come to the monthly gathering. I’ll admit I, myself, needed encouragement from my husband to plan and host one in the month of December. And, I am so glad I did because a time together with intentional conversation was exactly what I should have been scheduling among the scheduled holiday celebrations, wrapping nights, and shopping days. I hope the ladies who came felt the same way! We gathered at Simple Cafe and Bakery in Lake Geneva and spent time with an advent devotional from Luke 2 and a reflective passage from Brooke Lee’s Manger Glory from GLAM.
It was a special time sharing a meal and having more ladies join us this month! Here is a look at the planned program from the day.
Christmas time is here…
Before we dive into an advent devotional, let us check in… How are we doing in the holiday “craze and haze?”
Have we been able to carve out time for things that are meaningful in this season?
I hope this morning gives you that opportunity. That you are able to walk out of this cafe and feel refreshed, mind anew with the remembrance and attention to the fulfilled promise we get to celebrate on Christmas.
Today’s advent devotional
Read Luke 2:1-20
What are the things to take note in this passage?
The fact that God uses shepherds, an unmarried teen virgin, a king that forces Jesus and his family into exile, and a stable to construct the “Christmas story” or story of Christ’s coming means this story is so much more audacious than one expects. What might these facts mean for us?
Read the devotional of this passage from Manger Glory by Brooke Lee of GLAM Ministries.
Reflection questions from Manger Glory:
Are you tempted to find God in the “big ways?” If so, how?
What’s one step you can make today to find him in the ordinary?
Setting intentions for the remainder of advent season
Walking out of this cafe, what intention do you want to set for the remainder of the advent season and for Christmas?
What will you need to do in order to keep this intention a priority and help make it happen?
Let’s pray for one another’s seasons.
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