Soul Care: A three-week group for women

Soul Care: A three-week group for women


Self care is a well known practice encouraged by our culture. It promotes finding a greater well-being, which is truly needed by most of us. However, self care is often promoted as finding practices that can make dealing with life stressors easier. Emphasis on DOING things to DEAL with things.

What if we focused our energy on something deeper?

We’re not looking to be a more functioning human being, but a more WHOLE and ROOTED person.

This faith based psychoeducational therapy group will take you through both introspective and practical exercises, offering a deeper perspective of well-being. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and what it means for you to care for your deepest and fullest self. You won’t regret investing in this time for yourself.

This 3 week group experience will meet on Wednesdays May 4, 11, and 18 5:30-7pm at The Loop Commons in Burlington, WI.

In this group we will:

  1. Identify our core values and “sacred pathways” to better understand how we experience the world.

  2. Learn mindfulness based stress reduction techniques.

  3. Create a personalized soul care plan for participants to leave group with for continued support.

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