From our October Coffee and Community event
In October we hosted our very first “Coffee and Community” event for women of the Lake Geneva, Wisconsin area. The monthly gathering is a group hosted for a community of women in their 20s-40s to discuss various topics and resources while sharing in life together. The events are meant to bring a real community feel by visiting a number of coffee shops and cafes around the area. For October we met at Boxed and Burlap in Delavan, Wisconsin and it was such a comfortable, bright space to jumpstart the monthly gatherings.
Boxed and Burlap’s comfortable seating area. We met on the loft, not pictured, but a great little workspace.
We discussed “Joy, without the pressure” and I thought the conversation should keep going! I cannot imagine we are the only women who could use some time to think about how we are experiencing joy, how true joy is given to us, and what that means for our daily life. Take a look below at our exact program…
Joy, without the pressure.
When I think about true joy, I think about a moment that you recognize mid way thru you will never forget it. A moment during which you can't help but smile. A moment when time seems to slow down and you so wish you could soak up every millisecond. There is peace and the moment travels with you, reminding you of the joy. It resonates. It stays with you.
One such moment for me was during a worship night. And before this story begins to sound like someone so attuned to God, let me tell you, it is more a story about God meeting me in my loneliest place. For months I had been lacking any sort of joy and certainly of deep, authentic connection. But God. An inner energy surfaced, putting a smile on my face. Followed by tears. It wasn't excitable. It wasn't making me giggle. It was a peaceful gladness.
The peaceful gladness wasn't about me finally feeling good. It was about truly understanding Christ's presence and me getting to bask in it.
John 15:11 speaks of this "inner joy" or chara (pronounced khar-ah’)- it's Christ's joy in us. Because of the gospel, because we are so loved, we get to continue in life knowing we are saved. Saved from the things that bring us down. "Freedom from all anxious worries and fears" because our God already rose above it all. His grace can be our joy.
So, maybe joy {at least inner joy} isn't so much about the expression of an excitable emotion, but a state of being, identified by the confidence in God's presence and sovereignty. And, at least to me, that releases a whole lot of pressure to always feel something excitable.
1. Read John 15:9-17. How is it we get to experience Christ's joy?
2. What is something today or in your current life that reminds you Christ is present, you are loved, and you have is grace,?
3. What are things that threaten this experience and the growth of your inner joy?
4. How can community {spouses, friends, mentors, etc.} come around you to help safe guard your joy?
It was encouraging to hear from women of the group as they answered these questions! We really connected on how comparison and perfectionism can threaten our experience of joy and how small things can even reveal Christ’s joy as we recognize His gift in small moments of “peaceful gladness.” I look forward to hearing your thoughts too. Share with us on social media @asmittenlife and #coffeeandcommunity.